
  • CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
    Field of collaboration: The use of nanotechnology in cancer research
  • Faculty of Medicine, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
    Field of collaboration: Computational modelling in neuroscience
  • Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of STU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Biochemistry, Teaching
  • Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of STU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Detection of potential cancer biomarkers using electrochemical and QCM aptasensors
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of STU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration:
    Design and development of flow module for QCM analysis
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics CU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Biomedical Physics, Teaching
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics CU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration:
    Computational modelling in neuroscience
  • Faculty of Pharmacy CU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Pharmacology, Teaching
  • Institute of Physics of the CAV, Czech Republic
    Field of collaboration: Use of diamond substrates in biosensor applications
  • Institute of Chemistry SAS, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration: Joint project
  • Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council,Palermo, Italy
    Field of collaboration
    : Computational modelling in neuroscience
  • Faculty of Medicine CU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Pilot study of the selective action of a new generation of RNA interference agents at the cellular level and development of a biosensor for the detection of chronic and acute leukemia
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences CU, Slovakia
    Field of collaboration
    : Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Teaching